training courses


The course aims to bring the EVOO enthusiast closer to this fascinating world, learning how to recognize a good oil, discover its production processes and its origins, territories and varieties (Cultivars). You will learn how to combine excellent oil with excellent food. All comfortably from home, half remotely and half classroom or entirely in classroom, with industry experts ready to help you understand the fascinating EVOO world.

449 CHF
12 hours, 6 weeks
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  • Evening 1 - Professional sensory analysis, history and origins and Introduction to tasting tools
  • Evening 2 - Classification of olive oils, Evaluation checklist and Guided tasting & Food pairing
  • Evening 3 - Harvesting and product transformation cycle and Guided tasting & Food pairing
  • Evening 4 - Rules of pairing, Food-EVOO pairings, 3 Extra virgin olive oils tasting and 2 food pairings
  • Evening 5 - EVOO and health, reading and understanding the EVOO label, DOP and IGP and Guided tasting & Food pairing
  • Evening 6 - How to enhance, use and store EVOO. Main defects and counterfeits and Guided tasting & Food pairing


In response to those of you who are interested in experiencing the tastes and flavours of Extravirgin Olive Oils (EVOOs), this course aims to provide you with all the necessary instruments to be able to
(i) recognize an excellent EVOO from a poor one,
(ii) pair excellent EVOO with excellent food,
(iii) taste it professionally and
(iv) understand what defects have poor EVOOs.

399 CHF
6 hours, 4 weeks
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  • Evening 1 - History & origins, Guided tasting & Food pairing
  • Evening 2 - EVOO varieties, characteristics and Guided tasting & Food pairing
  • Evening 3 - Pairing rules in Sommellerie and Guided tasting & Food pairing
  • Evening 4 - EVOO and Health. Guided tasting & Food pairing


This course is designed for or olive oil mill operators and / or product managers with or without experience in the production of extra virgin olive oil. This course is also open to small owners of olive groves who wish to maximize their small production. In this course you will be provided with useful IT tools, checklists and advices for the optimal management of your olive business.

899 CHF
30 hours, 10 weeks
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  • Evening 1 - Meaning of olive grove management, history of EVOO and Mind Mapping
  • Evening 2 - Management of the soil
  • Evening 3 - Pruning, Diseases and Plagues
  • Evening 4 - Irrigation and Nutrition
  • Evening 5 - Harvesting and product transformation cycle
  • Evening 6 - Budgeting and Forecasting
  • Evening 7 - EVOO & Health, Marketing
  • Evening 8 - Budgeting and Forecasting, Mind Mapping
  • Evening 9 - Live and practical case
  • Evening 10 - Live and practical case